Sudden Denouement Publishing is Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions for Genre Fiction

Sudden Denouement Publishing has made its mark publishing contemporary and divergent poets such as force of nature Nicole Lyons, social commentator extraordinaire David Lohrey, and stunning Bruised But Not Broken’s founder Rachel Finch.

Although providing a vehicle to publish such extraordinary poets remains a priority for Sudden Denouement Publishing, we are currently seeking submissions of exceptional genre fiction manuscripts. Perhaps your science fiction/fantasy manuscript or your noir mystery is just what we are looking for!

If you are unfamiliar with the quality and aesthetic of Sudden Denouement’s writing, please familiarize yourself with our work before submitting.

How to Submit:
1) Email two chapters of your manuscript to Please clearly state in the subject header: Manuscript Submission. Allow us four weeks to review and respond to your submission. We appreciate your patience as we give your work the attention it deserves.

2) We ask that you submit only one manuscript at a time.

3) Submitting to Sudden Denouement Publishing is free. We are grateful for the opportunity to review your work.

4) Please provide a cover letter in the body of the email. This should be focused and concise. We suggest a paragraph about yourself, and a paragraph about the work you are submitting.

5) Include your contact information in your cover letter. Most important is your name, email, and phone number in case we have questions.

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