Coming soon: Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I

Anthology Cover clean

“One of the delights of this collection is the sheer diversity of voices, unconstrained, with differing syntax, forms, loss of form, deliberate omissions and styles, one moment you are reading a condensed prose-poem about the origin of life, the next a confessional bleeding rip from the heart about love and drugs. Nowhere else in modern collections have I found such a mélange of tongues, all begging questions, responses, emotions, some disgust, horror, desire. Volume 1 is a true kaleidoscope of the human experience, doused in realism and the phantasmagoric with absolutely no brake fluid.”                                                             Candice Daquin, Pinch the lock

The editors of the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the first Sudden Denouement Anthology! The Anthology contains the best of the writing from the Collective since its launch in August of 2016 through April 2018. It represents 29 voices from 7 countries including India, Japan, England, Finland, Romania, Canada, and the United States.  The Anthology contains 138 pieces of poetry, prose and fiction, including 31 new pieces written exclusively for the Anthology.

Special thanks to Jimmi Campkin for the stunning cover image and Candice Daquin who graciously read & reviewed an advance copy of the Anthology.

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